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Around ten years have passed since the final events of Tamed. A lone Pegasus, Fyreburst, meets with a mysterious contact about the whereabouts of a pony he lost many years ago. In his search, he meets up with a retired celebrity who quickly grows attached to his cause. The two search for answers as fate itself becomes their greatest friend...and their fiercest enemy.

DISCLAIMER: This is a sequel to Tamed so not having read it beforehand may leave some confusion concerning character behavior and plot elements. I would recommend reading the first story before continuing with this one.

Editor: Vertorm

Chapters (8)

Scootaloo's life hasn't been the easiest. Being orphaned at a young age and brought up in the foster system came with its own set of challenges, not the least of which was a lack of older pegasi around to teach her how to fly. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash can help with that. With her honorary big sister taking a more active role in her life, Scootaloo learns much more about herself than just how to fly.

A story about love, family, and growing up.

Editing by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Chapters (18)

Why, hello there! Can't say that I've seen you around before. Welcome to Ponyville Library. Let me know if you need help with anything. Oh, right. Where are my manners? My name is Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia of Equestria and resident librarian. Oh, and some might call me the laziest unicorn in Ponyville.

Heh. They're just jealous. Try the laziest unicorn in all of Equestria. And that's a title I'm most proud to bear, thank you very much. What's that? Why, you ask? Well. Let me tell you about the time that I accidentally managed to save Equestria.

Several times, actually.

Note: Not a crossover with "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Sorry to disappoint. I just couldn't resist the reference.

First person from Twilight's perspective.

Chapters (5)

After months of practice, trial, error, and research, Twilight finally perfects the Wing Casting Spell. Her friends are more than excited to see the fruits of her labor. All her friends except for Rainbow. Why is the cyan mare so hesitant to congratulate Twilight?

Prior to Season 3.
Story seven in my Twidash Challenge: Slice of Life Theme
Cover Image by Psychodikdik

Chapters (5)

Twilight never cared much for romance, but after falling for Rainbow Dash, she's ready to make her move. But what happens if those feelings are unrequited? Should she hold onto hope? Is it even possible to let go and move on?

I've read a bunch of shipfics that are all happy resolutions after the confession so I wanted to try an alternative. So here is a slightly darker TwiDash fic because I am a terrible person who must make ponies suffer. Oh God Why?!

Edit: Now with addition of new cover pic used with permissions from aeroytechyon_x
Reformatted with less walls of texts and less Lavender Unicorn Syndrome as of 03/20/2015

Sequel here.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Trixie's Great and Powerful Revenge

When one of Twilight's spells goes a bit awry, she finds that an affected Rarity might be a little more than she bargained for.

(Originally posted on EqD in April 2011. I originally meant to keep this as a one-shot, but wrote the second part after there was demand for it. I do like how the second part came out though, so no regrets!)

(Also, if you like this story, be sure to check out Tragic Magic! It's a continuation of this one!)

Chapters (2)

Behind her calm and happy mask Celestia is a lonely alicorn. Once betrayed by a past love she has resigned herself to be alone forever.

But when a new love in the form of an old student is presented can Celestia let go of her sad past and take hold of a happier future?

And will the events happening around her be enough to make her realize that happiness has always been within her grasp.

Twilestia Shipping

Chapters (7)

The first episode of The Gems Trilogy.

Sweetie Belle attempts to deal with the realization that she's developed a crush on Spike. Meanwhile, Spike's own feelings are in flux.

Chapters (12)

The residents of Ponyville are unaccustomed to violence, but recent attacks are shaking up the normally peaceful town. On top of this, Twilight Sparkle has been experiencing short bouts of memory loss and is getting concerned with her own health. The truth in the situation may be harder to bear, however.

Chapters (13)

Twilight travels to Canterlot to comfort Princess Luna. Thus she spends much time with the royal alicorn -- but not only in the living realm of Equestria. Strange dreams of the regal mare start to overtake her sleep, and soon Twilight realizes that the Princess is triggering feelings she has never felt before.

Can Twilight admit her emotions to Luna? If so, how? And then why is Luna turning into Nightmare Moon again?

Read and find out.

A/N: Fic is going to be a TwiLuna shipping (no clopfic).

Plus, the story may get dark/adventurous or sad, I'll add the categories when there is actually a part of that category in the actual story.

Chapters (5)